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Debunking TikTok's "Cortisol Face" Craze: Facts Over Fear

courtesy of popsugar.com
Short Article Summary

What's the Buzz About?

In the ever-spinning world of TikTok trends, "cortisol face" or "moon face" has emerged, prompting a mix of curiosity and concern. Characterized by a round and puffy appearance, this condition is attributed to high levels of cortisol, the body's primary stress hormone. With an array of videos claiming stress-induced facial bloating, the trend raises the question: how much truth is there to this phenomenon?

Expert Insights on "Cortisol Face"

Speaking to professionals, we uncover the reality behind the viral term. Dr. Caroline Messer, an endocrinologist, explains that "cortisol face" describes facial puffiness resulting from excess cortisol, giving the face a round, moon-like appearance. Dr. Lucky Sekhon, a reproductive endocrinology and infertility specialist, adds that this condition is typically linked to medical issues like Cushing's Syndrome, where cortisol levels are abnormally high.

Is Stress the Real Culprit?

While stress is a common scapegoat, our experts clarify that stress alone doesn't cause the significant hormone imbalance needed for "cortisol face." Dr. Messer points out that lifestyle factors, such as stress eating, might contribute to facial weight gain, mimicking the appearance of "cortisol face." Dr. Sekhon emphasizes that genuine cases of the condition are rare and usually involve deeper medical concerns beyond everyday stressors.

Identifying "Cortisol Face"

Dr. Sekhon advises that noticeable changes in facial roundness, coupled with symptoms like belly weight gain, fatigue, and high blood pressure, could indicate elevated cortisol levels. However, she cautions that these signs often stem from other health issues, with the majority of cases boiling down to simple weight gain.

Addressing the Issue

For those genuinely affected, tackling the root cause of elevated cortisol is key. This might involve medication for underlying conditions, lifestyle adjustments to reduce stress, or, in severe cases, surgery. However, Dr. Sekhon reassures that "cortisol face," as popularized on TikTok, is generally not a cause for alarm without other significant symptoms.

Separating Fact from Trend

The consensus among experts is clear: "cortisol face," while a real medical phenomenon, is not the widespread issue TikTok makes it out to be. Dr. Sekhon urges caution, recommending professional consultation over self-diagnosis based on social media trends. Similarly, Dr. Messer warns against unnecessary cortisol testing, especially for those on birth control, as it can lead to false results and unwarranted stress.

In the age of viral health trends, it's crucial to distinguish between online buzz and actual medical advice. "Cortisol face" may be the talk of TikTok, but when it comes to your health, it's best to trust the experts over the trends.

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Image Credit: Adeline Green / AuthorsUSA.com

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