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Unlocking Muscle Growth: The Power of EMOM Workouts

courtesy of eatthis.com
Short Article Synopsis

What Makes EMOM Workouts a Game-Changer?

Building bigger muscles isn't just about lifting weights; it's about the right kind of training that pushes you to your limits. EMOM workouts, standing for "every minute on the minute," have become a go-to method for fitness enthusiasts and trainers aiming to speed up muscle growth. This straightforward and accessible approach to training has garnered a following for its effectiveness and adaptability for all fitness levels.

The Mechanics of EMOM Workouts

EMOM workouts are simple in concept but challenging in execution. You perform one set of an exercise at the start of every minute, rest for the remainder of that minute, and then start a new set at the top of the next minute. This cycle continues until your workout session is complete. Domenic Angelino, CPT, highlights the appeal of EMOM workouts, noting their fun factor and how they transform the workout experience into something more engaging and less tedious. The structure allows for a fast-paced session with minimal rest, keeping the energy high and the body moving.

Benefits That Go Beyond the Gym

The versatility and adaptability of EMOM workouts are among their greatest strengths. According to Amanda Capritto, CPT, these workouts can be tailored for strength, power, or endurance, making them suitable for a wide range of fitness goals. They also offer valuable lessons in pacing and loading, challenging athletes to gauge their performance and adjust accordingly. If the workout is overloaded, the time constraint of the EMOM format will quickly make it apparent, ensuring workouts remain effective and targeted.

Fueling Muscle Growth with EMOM

EMOM workouts are not just about burning calories; they're a potent tool for muscle growth. The high-volume training with limited rest triggers hormonal responses conducive to muscle development. Angelino suggests that focusing on a small number of exercises targeting similar muscle groups can create a powerful training stimulus, particularly useful for overcoming plateaus. Capritto recommends an extended EMOM format, like E3MOM, for those specifically looking to maximize muscle growth, allowing for heavier loads, full range of motion, and slower tempos that are essential for hypertrophy.

Sample Workouts to Get You Started

Angelino shares two EMOM workout examples designed to enhance muscle growth. The first is a 24-minute session focusing on lower body strength, recommending weights at 70% to 80% of your usual load. The second workout also spans 24 minutes but emphasizes heavier lifts for building strength, with suggested weights at 65% to 75% of normal. Both routines include exercises like barbell sumo deadlifts, dumbbell goblet squats, leg presses, and leg extensions, each tailored to challenge your muscles in different ways.

EMOM workouts stand out as a dynamic and efficient way to achieve muscle growth, offering a blend of high-intensity training with strategic rest periods. Whether you're looking to spice up your fitness routine or push your muscle growth to new heights, EMOM workouts offer a structured yet flexible framework to help you reach your goals.

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Image Credit: Ruth Keller / AuthorsUSA.com

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