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Should You Lead with the Product or the Opportunity?

It's a question that has been debated in the world of Network Marketing for years - Should You Lead with the Product or the Opportunity? Network Marketing Professionals have different approaches, with some focusing on recruiting and others prioritizing gaining customers. So, which strategy is more effective?

Brief Article Summary

Both Can Work

According to studies, both approaches can lead to success. It has been found that a percentage of people join a network marketing company solely for the product, while others are primarily interested in the business opportunity. However, an interesting finding from the study is that 70% of those who joined for the product eventually shifted their focus to the business side. Similarly, individuals who initially joined for the business but were not successful often became loyal product users. In the end, the results were fairly equal.

Go Where Your Prospects Are

So, what should you do? My advice is to go where your prospects are. If your potential customers or recruits do not have an entrepreneurial mindset yet, it may be best to start by introducing them to the product. Focus on creating raving fans who are excited about your product and love sharing it with others. Don't overlook those who are solely interested in the product, as statistics show that many of them will eventually become interested in the business opportunity.

On the other hand, if you have brought in individuals who were initially interested in the business but have not found success, they may be more comfortable shifting their focus to becoming product users for the time being. This allows them to work on their skills and gain confidence before fully committing to building a business.


In summary, if someone is hesitant about the business side of network marketing, it may be beneficial to let them start as a customer and gradually introduce them to the opportunity. For those who are eager to join the business, bring them in and support their journey. If they are not ready to build right away, they may become loyal customers who can eventually become advocates for your product.

Remember to keep talking to people, sharing your product and opportunity, and allowing them to join where they feel they can be successful. By understanding the preferences and needs of your prospects, you can tailor your approach and increase your chances of building a successful network marketing business.

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Image Credit: Li Weng / AuthorsUSA.com