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New and Noteworthy: What I Read This Week—Edition 218

Research of the Week

Breaking up evening sitting with resistance training lowers blood sugar and insulin levels.

Driving after bad sleep is like driving after a few drinks.

Quercetin may prevent frailty.

Methane isn’t as warming as we thought.

New onset diabetes may signal the malignant transformation of pancreatic cysts.

New Primal Kitchen Podcasts

Primal Health Coach Radio: Kasey Goins

Primal Kitchen Podcast: Katy Whalen on the Pitfalls of Perimenopause and Female Aging

Media, Schmedia

Monkeys like booze.

Strange example of make-work.

Interesting Blog Posts

How pressure cookers work.

More on fructose.

Social Notes

Genes do not doom us.

Everything Else

Chicken farming in Japan at least as early as 400 BC.

The Norse sagas were right about Greenland Vikings importing timber from North America. What else were they right about?

Not surprised to hear the Turks reject lab meat. Great country with great people.

Things I’m Up to and Interested In

Acute vs chronic: While acute weight lifting raises blood pressure, chronic weight lifting lowers it.

Synergy: Caffeine and rhodiola rosea together are more powerful than either alone.

Good development: Doctors writing “nature prescriptions.”

Interesting: An analysis of continuous glucose monitor users without diabetes.

Question I’m Asking

Do you think lab meat will take off?

Recipe Corner

  • Teriyaki pineapple meatballs.
  • Cabbage fritters.

Time Capsule

One year ago (Apr 15 – Apr 21)

  • Dear Mark: Creatine for Women—Is it good for women?
  • Benefits of Cycling for Health and Fitness—Why to bike.

Comment of the Week

In response to taking a break from all the luxuries is one of my favorite luxuries and.

Getting outdoors, no cell service….who cares. The comfort of my hammock and cozy sleeping bag, a warm bonfire, book, and hot pour over coffee as the sun rises wherever I happen to be. Hear the coyotes, an owl or crickets, and the wind in the trees.
Luxury comes in many forms.

I truly enjoy a hot shower on my return and my big bed.

It is all how you frame it.


The post New and Noteworthy: What I Read This Week—Edition 218 appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.


By: Mark Sisson
Title: New and Noteworthy: What I Read This Week—Edition 218
Sourced From: www.marksdailyapple.com/new-and-noteworthy-218/
Published Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2023 20:43:14 +0000

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