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How couples meditation can strengthen your relationship

Couples meditation could be the key to strengthening your relationship. Learn about the types of meditation for couples, plus techniques to enhance communication.

Life can get so busy that it's easy to miss out on quality time with our partners. Couples meditation can help ease this burden because it’s about taking a moment to truly connect with each other without distractions or to-do lists. With the right couples meditation practice, you can focus on the present to help strengthen your relationship or reduce stress in your daily lives.

Why meditating as a couple is good for your relationship

Meditation has long been used to cultivate inner peace and improve mental clarity. It can also help reduce stress as well as enhance your self-awareness, focus, and wellbeing. Sounds great, right? Well, meditating with your partner can also majorly benefit you as a couple helping you stay connected and aligned. Here’s how.

Couples meditation can help build emotional bridges

When you meditate together, you create a shared experience. Tuning into a quiet moment together can lead to a stronger emotional bond over time, making you feel more connected.

Couples meditation can help to enhance communication

Meditation teaches you to be present and to truly listen without immediately reacting. This can help you communicate better in your relationship so you can hear with empathy instead of jumping to conclusions.

Couples meditation can offer a shared stress release

When everything feels overwhelming, meditating with your partner can be like choosing to tackle stress together. The team effort can make you both feel more supported.

Being present together matters

Life is full of distractions, like the constant notifications or the never-ending list of chores. Meditating together encourages you both to be present, savoring the moment. It's a reminder that sometimes, the most important thing is just being there with each other.

Couples meditation can boost intimacy and connection

Meditating together can lead to deeper emotional intimacy. It's about vulnerability, trust, and exploring your inner worlds together.

How to practice meditation as a couple

  1. Pick your spot: Find a quiet place where you won't be disturbed. This could be your living room, bedroom, or a spot in your backyard. Choose a space that feels peaceful to both of you.

  2. Stay comfy: Sitting on a cushion, a chair, or lying down can work. Choose a comfortable position so you can focus on the meditation throughout. Matching your position to each other can strengthen your connection.

  3. Set a time: Just like date night, agree on a time that works for you both. It could be the morning to kickstart your day or before bed to wind down.

  4. Keep it short: Especially at the beginning, aim for shorter sessions of 5 or 10 minutes. As you continue to practice, you can gradually increase the time.

  5. Decide on the kind of practice you’ll try: Choose a meditation technique that works for both of you (more on that below), or simply focus on your breath. Experiment and see what feels right for you both.

  6. Check-in: Find a special way to close the meditation — maybe sharing a few deep breaths or placing your hand over each other's hearts. Sharing can help you connect, so maybe consider chatting about how it felt for a few minutes post-meditation. Did a particular thought arise? Do you feel more relaxed?

  7. Practice patience: Like anything new, there might be a learning curve. One of you may find it easier to switch off while the other's mind races. That's okay. Remember, it's a journey you're both on together.

  8. Use tools: Whether it's calming background music, a guided meditation, or a timer to keep track, use whatever resources make the process smoother for both of you.

Remember, couples meditation isn't about perfection. It's about spending quality time together, tuning into each other, and strengthening your bond.

6 couples meditation exercises to try

If you’re ready to try, there are plenty of couples meditation techniques you can explore. The great thing about meditation is that there's no right or wrong way to do it. Try a few types of couples meditation techniques and poses to see what suits you both best.

1. Breath awareness meditation

For this practice, you’ll both focus on your breathing, observing each inhale and exhale without trying to change it. This technique is straightforward and an excellent way for beginners to start. Plus, synchronizing your breathing can be a powerful way to feel connected with the person you love most.

💙 If you want to really sync up your breathing use our Breathe Bubble.

2. Guided meditation

Use your favorite guided meditations to guide you both through the process. These might include visualizations or affirmations you follow. If you're new to meditation, a guide can make the process more accessible.

💙 Still looking for a favorite guided practice? Try Mindfulness for Beginners with Jeff Warren.

3. Loving-kindness meditation

To practice, you’ll both focus on developing feelings of compassion and love, first for each other and then expanding outwards to family, friends, and even strangers. Loving-kindness meditation is a feel-good meditation that can bring positive emotions and deepen your bond.

💙 If you’d like to try this as a guided practice, try our Loving-Kindness Meditation led by Tamara Levitt.

4. Body scan meditation

This technique has you mentally scan your bodies from head to toe, noting any sensations, tensions, or relaxation. Body scan meditation is a great way to tune into your body, bringing calm after a long day.

💙 Try this practice out before bed with the bonus of some gratitude practice. Get cozy and then press play our Gratitude Body Scan for Sleep.

5. Mindfulness meditation

For this practice, you both pay attention to your current experiences—your environment, thoughts, or feelings—without judgment. Mindful acceptance has been shown to help improve relationship satisfaction. Mindfulness helps train your mind to stay in the present moment, making everyday activities (like that evening walk or cooking dinner together) more enjoyable and meaningful.

💙 Eager to try a walking meditation with your partner? Check out Mindful Walking.

6. Silent gazing meditation

This practice can be really bonding and special. You sit facing each other, gazing into each other's eyes without speaking. While it might feel awkward initially, it can lead to a profound sense of connection and understanding.

💙 Deepen your meditation experience by adding soothing background music like Chopin in the Rain, or a relaxing soundscape such as Forest Ambience.

Couples meditation FAQs

Q: Is it good for couples to meditate together?

Meditating together can be a fantastic way for couples to bond on a deeper level and help increase their overall happiness. Firstly, you both get the individual benefits of meditation, like reduced stress and increased mindfulness. Secondly—and more importantly—doing it together can enhance communication, foster mutual empathy, and create shared experiences that strengthen the relationship.

Q: How to approach the subject of meditation with a partner?

Just like introducing any new idea, start the conversation light and open. Share your experiences or what you've read about the benefits of couples meditation. Express how it might be a fun bonding activity to try together and be receptive to your partner’s thoughts and feelings. Remember, it's not about convincing but sharing something that could benefit you both.

Q: What is intimate meditation?

Intimate meditation is about blending mindfulness with emotional or physical intimacy. It’s about being truly present with each other. This could involve maintaining eye contact, synchronized breathing, or sitting silently together. It's all about feeling connected on a deeper level.

Q: How do you meditate in a relationship?

Everyone's different, so even in a relationship, meditation can be a unique experience for each person. Try other techniques, or start with shorter sessions, and if one of you finds it challenging, be patient and supportive. Make it a joint journey of exploration and learning.

Q: How to get the most out of meditation with your partner?

Calm offers guided meditations so you can explore meditation together with an expert guide. Try a few different techniques to find something that fits your needs and that you both enjoy. At the end of the day it’s all about what will enhance your connection and reduce your collective stress.

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By: Team Calm
Title: How couples meditation can strengthen your relationship
Sourced From: blog.calm.com/blog/couples-meditation
Published Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2023 07:59:33 +0000

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