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Get Killer Abs with These Expert-Approved Exercises

If a top fitness priority of yours is to lose belly fat and reveal strong, sculpted abs, then you've come to the right place. We've cherry-picked some of the best expert-approved moves you can do at the gym or in the comfort of your own home to torch calories and achieve your workout goals in no time.

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The Modified V-Sit-Up

This first exercise is recommended by fitness expert Matt Laurie. A modified V-sit-up is an accessible exercise for many fitness enthusiasts. Begin on your back with your hands on the ground and your feet on the floor or in the air a few inches above the ground. Drive your upper half off the floor, simultaneously bringing both knees up and in toward the chest. Hold the finish position briefly, and return to the floor with control. Your abdominals will start to burn after a few reps!

Concentrated Abdominal Crunch on a Stability Ball

Laurie suggests utilizing a stability ball for effective core isolation exercises. Performing a concentrated abdominal crunch on a stability ball provides the lower back with a soft surface to press into as you crunch, forcing the core to stabilize. Keep the shoulders back, the ball stable underneath you, and your core engaged. Bring your shoulders up toward the ceiling a few inches, then lower back to the starting position. This exercise is a sneaky-hard core move!

Active Planks

By performing active planks consistently, you'll reap plenty of body benefits, including a strong core, a tight stomach, and the alleviation of lower back pain. Clenching your glutes while keeping your body stable in a plank rotates the pelvis and fires up the lower abs instantaneously. Start with sets of 30-second holds, and work your way up!

Dead Bugs

Dead bugs engage your transverse abdominis, also known as your "corset muscle." Lie flat on your back with your arms reaching toward the ceiling and your legs up at a 90-degree angle. Lower one arm to the back of your head while extending the opposite leg as close to the floor as possible. Return to the floor position, and repeat with the other arm and leg.

Side Plank Dips

This exercise concentrates on your inner core muscles and obliques. Rotate onto one side of your body and use your forearm to support your weight. Gradually lower or "dip" yourself to the floor, stopping just before your hip reaches the ground. Pull yourself back up using your core and obliques. Breathe in while you lower, and breathe out while you pull up.

Barbell Russian Twists

Put a barbell inside a landmine attachment or on the end of a sturdy surface. Grip the end of the barbell with both hands and hold it out in front of you with your feet shoulder-width apart. Rotate the bar toward one side of your body while pivoting both feet toward that direction. Leading with your hips and shoulders, rotate the bar to the opposite side, maintaining tension in your core. Aim for eight to 10 reps per side.

Resistance Band Chest Press

Wrap a resistance band around a sturdy beam or pole and pull it out in front of you. Grip the band and get into a half-kneeling position with your arms at your chest. Brace your core and begin pressing the band out in front of you, exhaling when you finish. Inhale and pull the band back before performing another rep. Aim for eight reps per side.

Hanging Knee Raises

Position yourself by hanging onto a pull-up bar. Tuck your pelvis and drive your knees toward your chest without swinging. Flex your lower abs at the top of the movement, then lower back to the starting position before performing another rep. Aim for 10 to 15 reps.

Single-Arm Farmer's Carry

Place a heavy dumbbell or kettlebell by your side. Keep your chest tall and your core tight as you pick up the weight with one arm while maintaining a neutral spine. Brace your abs hard and begin walking under control while trying to maintain a neutral spine despite the weight pulling you down to the side. Walk 50 to 100 feet, then switch hands on the way back.

Medicine Ball Russian Twists

This exercise targets your obliques while also engaging your abdominals and lower back muscles. If you don't have a medicine ball, you can use a bottle of water. Keep your feet on the ground, lean back just enough to feel engagement in your abdominals, and make a nice full turn with your shoulders.

Split Lunge with Bicep Curl

This exercise hits the legs, abs, and arms. Stand tall with a water bottle or dumbbell in each hand. Bring one foot forward and descend into a split lunge. On your way back up, perform a single-arm bicep curl with the opposite arm.

Leg Raises

Even though you aren't actively moving your abs, they play a huge role in keeping your spine upright during this exercise. Lie flat on your back with your legs and arms extended. Raise both legs off the floor and alternate crossing one over the other. Make sure your lower back stays flat on the ground.

Barbell Squats

This exercise begins with you holding a kettlebell to your chest. Keep your core tight and push your hips back as you squat down to parallel. Drive through your hips and heels to finish. Aim to complete three to four sets of 10 reps.

Dumbbell Bent Over Rows

Position your feet shoulder-width apart and bend your torso forward at least 45 degrees. Tighten your core and row both dumbbells toward your hips while squeezing your lats at the end. Straighten your arms fully before performing another rep. Complete three to four sets of 10 reps.

Landmine Shoulder Press

Place the barbell inside a landmine attachment or against a wall. Get into a staggered stance with one foot forward and one foot back. Grab the bar with your chest tall and core tight. Then, press it forward. Flex your tricep and shoulder hard at the top, then bring it back to the starting position. Perform all reps on one side before switching over. Complete three to four sets of eight reps with each arm.

Single-Leg Step-Ups

Grab a set of dumbbells and place your foot on a bench or sturdy surface. Lean into the heel of your front leg and push off of it to step up. Flex your quad and glute at the top of the movement, then lower yourself under control before performing another rep. Complete three to four sets of 10 reps on each leg.

Dumbbell Pullovers

Hold a single dumbbell and assume a hollow hold position. Position the dumbbell slightly above your chest, then pull it back behind your head and straighten out your arms fully. Flex your abs hard at the end of the movement, then bring the dumbbell back to the starting position. Perform three to four sets of 10 to 15 reps.

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Image Credit: Wilma Crank / AuthorsUSA.com

By: Alexa Mellardo
Title: Get Killer Abs with These Expert-Approved Exercises
Sourced From: www.eatthis.com/best-ab-exercises/
Published Date: Sat, 16 Dec 2023 12:00:15 +0000

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