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Yoga Poses to Ease Digestive Discomfort

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Do you suffer from worse bloating and digestion symptoms? Whether you’ve overindulged in a big meal, are dealing with constipation, or suffer from a chronic issue like Irritable Bowel Disease, digestive discomfort is never fun. Bloating, gas, and abdominal cramps can be unpleasant, inconvenient, and downright painful. While over-the-counter antacids, prescription medicines, and avoiding certain foods can help, there’s also an age-old practice that has been shown to help ease digestive discomfort: yoga. Let’s explore how yoga can help with digestion, the best yoga poses to do, and tips for success.

How Yoga Can Help with Digestion

Yoga not only stretches your muscles, but helps detoxify the body, massage your internal organs, and "get things moving again," so to speak, by stimulating the body. Not only that, but yoga helps to relieve any mental stress that may be impacting your physical health. Our stomachs and minds are closely related; if you’re in constant "fight or flight" mode due to anxiety, your body is unable to relax and digest properly.

The Best Yoga Poses for Digestion

By practicing the following yoga poses, you’ll get everything flowing in harmony again so that you can get back to your day with a calm mind and a happy tummy. The following yoga practice incorporates poses like twists, which help detoxify the body; forward folds, which help massage the internal organs; and inversions, which help boost circulation and stimulate the abdominal muscles.

1. Cat and Cow Stretches

This is a great way to start any yoga flow, and it’s technically two poses: cat and cow. As you alternate between cat and cow stretches, you’ll lengthen and compress the intestines, helping bring fresh blood to the epithelial cells responsible for healthy gut function.

2. Forward Fold

A deep forward fold will instantly boost your circulation, improving blood flow to the digestive organs. Forward folds are also great for promoting relaxation and peace of mind.

3. Upward Dog

Wake up the abdominal organs with this energizing pose. Upward dog is a great pose to open up your upper body and stretch out your torso, stomach, and hips.

4. Camel Pose

Ease digestional discomfort by opening up the torso with this amazing stretch. Camel pose expands the abdominal area and can be particularly beneficial in aiding elimination if you’re suffering from constipation.

5. Lord of the Half Fishes

This twist pose helps to detoxify the body by wringing out anything that doesn’t belong there. Be sure to perform this twist on both sides.

6. Seated Spinal Twist

This pose is another twist that’s great for stimulating the abdominals and helping to get things moving. Perform this yoga pose on both sides.

7. Child’s Pose

Child’s pose is a wonderful pose to end any yoga practice, especially if you’re suffering from digestive discomfort. Child’s pose compresses the abdomen and massages the internal organs, stimulating digestion and hopefully helping you feel better soon.

Tips for Success

To maximize the effectiveness of your yoga session, here are some tips:

  • Practice daily for best results.
  • Listen to your body and modify poses as needed.
  • Focus on deep breathing to help relax and calm the mind.
  • Stay hydrated before, during, and after your practice.
  • Consider taking a yoga class or working with a qualified instructor for guidance.


Simply put, a daily yoga routine makes you feel good. No matter where you find yourself or how much time you have, you can do the 10 yoga poses mentioned above and start your day with a centered mind and a refreshed body. Because beyond the mental benefits of yoga, the way your body will feel after a good stretch is vital to a healthy lifestyle.

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Image Credit: Alicia Mahoney / AuthorsUSA.com

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