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The #1 Best Medicines to Take After COVID Infection

So you've tested positive for COVID-19. What next? First, call your doctor for their advice. In most cases, you'll be advised to take care of yourself at home with over-the-counter remedies. Depending on your age and risk factors, you might be prescribed anti-viral medication. Here's what experts say are the best medications and supplements to take after COVID infection. Read on to find out more—and to ensure your health and the health of others, don't miss these Sure Signs COVID is Hurting You—Even After a Negative Test.



Acetaminophen (brand name Tylenol) is the best choice for fever, headache and body aches, says immunity expert Robert G. Lahita, MD, Ph.D. of Saint Joseph Health in New Jersey. NSAIDs (ibuprofen, naproxen) can irritate the stomach and might worsen COVID-related nausea or vomiting. So can aspirin, which often is combined with caffeine, which you don't need right now.

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Bottle of Claritin Allergy Medicine.

Over-the-counter antihistamines like Claritin or Allegra can help reduce sneezing and runny nose, symptoms that are seen more often with more recent variants of the virus. Research published this week found that antihistamines might also improve symptoms for people who are suffering from Long COVID.

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Vitamins C and D

vitamin d

Although vitamins C and D won't cure your COVID infection, many studies have found that they seem to support the immune system. Vitamin C, particularly, has been linked to faster recovery from respiratory infections. Experts recommend up to 2,000 IU of vitamin D and 1,000mg of vitamin C daily.

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Vial of Glutathione Injection

Glutathione is an antioxidant that seems to boost immunity. Some studies suggest that people who have low bodily levels of glutathione have a worse time with COVID-19. "If you take glutathione, it could potentially help you recover more quickly from the virus," said Sana Zuberi, MD, a primary care physician with Henry Ford Health System in Detroit.

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dical worker holding medicine package box, Pfizer PAXLOVID antiviral drug,cure for Coronavirus infection,COVID-19 virus disease prevention

This antiviral drug produced by Pfizer is a five-day course of oral medication taken soon after symptoms appear. It received an emergency use authorization (EUA) from the Food & Drug Administration late last year. Clinical trials found it caused an 89% reduction in COVID hospitalizations and deaths. But supplies are still ramping up, and it might not be available in your area. The best thing to do is contact your doctor and tell them about your symptoms. They'll determine if Paxlovid, or any other drug treatment, is right for you.

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A person wearing full PPE holds a vial of sotrovimab medicine covid-19 virus treatment

This monoclonal antibody treatment, given through IV, has been found to be effective against the Omicron variant, which has rendered several other monoclonals ineffective. Studies have found it causes an 85% reduction of severe COVID or death. Your doctor can tell you if you're a good candidate for this treatment.

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Container of Molnupiravir novel coronavirus antiviral treatment.

An antiviral drug produced by Merck, molnupiravir works by preventing the coronavirus from replicating. It has been found to reduce the risk of hospitalization or death by 30%. Like Paxlovid, molnupiravir was approved for emergency use and supplies are still limited. And to live your healthiest life, don't miss this life-saving advice I'm a Doctor and Here's the #1 Sign You Have Cancer.

The post The #1 Best Medicines to Take After COVID Infection appeared first on Eat This Not That.


By: Michael Martin
Title: The #1 Best Medicines to Take After COVID Infection
Sourced From: www.eatthis.com/news-best-medicines-after-covid-infection/
Published Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2022 13:15:41 +0000

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