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Why EMOM Workouts Could Be Your Fast-Track to Fitness Success

Article Essentials

Efficiency and EMOM Conditioning

Time is precious, especially when it comes to exercise. That's where every-minute-on-the-minute (EMOM) workouts come in. In an EMOM workout, you exercise in one-minute blocks, performing a predetermined number of reps of a given move and then resting for the remainder of the minute. This approach not only maximizes efficiency by eliminating wasted time between sets but also provides a killer cardiovascular workout.

Improved Work Capacity

Increasing strength and power are important, but work capacity is often overlooked. EMOM workouts are an effective way to increase work capacity, which refers to the amount of work you can complete in a given amount of time. By challenging yourself to complete a circuit of exercises within a minute, you'll push your boundaries and enhance your overall fitness.

How to Structure an EMOM Workout

There are many ways to design an EMOM workout, but circuit training works particularly well. Select a series of exercises, determine your rep count for each move based on your fitness goal, and decide how many times you'll repeat the circuit. Alternate between upper and lower body moves or moves that target muscles on the front and back of your body. Set a timer and perform the predetermined number of reps for each move at the top of each minute, resting for the remainder of the minute. Repeat the process until you've completed all the exercises in the circuit.

Types of EMOM Workouts for Different Goals

EMOM workouts can be tailored to various fitness goals. For strength, choose compound movements and perform four to five rounds of your circuit using heavy loads and low reps. For athleticism, opt for explosive movements and perform three to four rounds of your circuit with moderate loads. For fat loss, focus on high-intensity, full-body movements with lighter loads and higher reps. And for muscle growth, choose compound moves and use moderate loads and reps.

Scaling the Intensity of EMOM Workouts

One of the great things about EMOM workouts is their scalability. You can easily adjust the intensity to suit your fitness level. Increase or decrease the load, reps, exercise difficulty, or rest periods to make the workout easier or harder. Decreasing rest periods can make the workout more challenging and push you to your limits.

With the rise of time-efficient and challenging workouts, EMOM workouts have become a popular choice in today's digital world. Whether you're looking to improve your cardiovascular fitness, increase work capacity, or achieve specific fitness goals, EMOM workouts can provide a fun and effective solution. So why not give them a try and see the results for yourself?

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Image Credit: Patricia Marple / AuthorsUSA.com

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