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Get Rid of the Middle-aged Spread With 5 Exercises, Trainer Says

One of the unpleasantries of reaching your 40s and 50s is the oh-so-common common middle-aged spread. Somebody has to address the excess fat in your midsection and how to efficiently get rid of the middle-aged spread, so here it goes!

The extra fat you're carrying around in your stomach is easy to gain, but hard to lose—especially if you haven't been active over the years. Unfortunately, many women begin to see this uninvited visitor when they start menopause because of lower estrogen levels. Women can gain at least 10 pounds within a 10-year span—between 45 and 55 years of age—if they aren't mindful of working on it, according to Women's Wellbeing.

In order to slim down your waistline—or any area of the body, especially at this time of life—you need to be living a healthy lifestyle. This means eating a diet high in lean protein and vegetables. It's also important to take some brisk walks, making sure to get in solid aerobic work. Last but not least, strength training is key if you want to get rid of the middle-aged spread.

We've got your back. Know that you're definitely not alone on this journey. To get started, I recommend incorporating resistance training into your routine at least two to three times per week, and I have just the right workout for you. It's a solid strength training routine, which will engage your core and force your body to work harder. You'll end up using more muscle groups, resulting in a higher calorie and fat burn.

Here is your new routine to get rid of a middle-aged spread, which includes five super-effective exercises. Incorporate them into your routine, or do all five of these as a workout. And don't forget to get in extra steps each day! Perform 3 to 4 sets of the following.


Dumbbell Deadlifts

Start off your Dumbbell Deadlifts by placing a dumbbell in front of you with your feet outside of shoulder-with. Keep your chest tall and core tight as you squat down and grab the weight. Drive through your heels and hips to come back up, flexing your glutes and quads to finish. Place the dumbbell back down to the starting position before performing another rep. Perform 3 to 4 sets of 10 reps.

Related: Every Thick Waistline Needs This Visceral Fat Reducer at 60, Trainer Says


Arnold Presses

arnold press visceral fat reducer

The Dumbbell Arnold Press begins with you grabbing a set of dumbbells and holding them up at shoulder-width height with your palms facing you. As you lift the dumbbells over your head, rotate your palms and elbows out and away from your body, and press the weight up in a smooth motion. Flex your shoulders at the top, then reverse the movement back to the starting position before performing another rep. Complete 3 to 4 sets of 10 reps.

Related: The #1 Floor Workout To Get Rid of the Middle-aged Spread


Bodyweight Rows

bodyweight rows with suspension straps

To perform Bodyweight Rows, grab the equipment that's available to you. It can be TRX/suspension strap, rings, or a straight bar. If you're using a strap, make sure to use a neutral grip (palms facing you). If you have a bar, use the pronated (palms overhand) or supinated (underhand) grip. Stick your feet forward, and lean back slightly to at least 45 degrees.

Keeping your core tight and hips high, pull yourself in by driving with your elbows toward your hips. Squeeze your lats and upper back hard to finish, then straighten your arms fully until your shoulder blades stretch at the bottom before performing another rep. Perform 3 to 4 sets of 15 reps.


Dumbbell Lateral Lunges

dumbbell lateral lunge to shrink your belly

Start your Dumbbell Lateral Lunges by holding a pair of dumbbells with your feet shoulder-width distance apart. Keeping your chest tall, step out to the side while pushing your hips back. Let the trailing leg lengthen, stretching your inner thigh. Push yourself back to the starting position with the heel of your working leg before stepping out to the other side. Complete 3 to 4 sets of 8 reps with each leg.


Side Plank with Dumbbell Press

side plank dumbbell press to get rid of the middle-aged spread

For this final exercise, assume a side plank position while holding a dumbbell. Keeping your core tight and glutes squeezed, begin pressing the dumbbell up toward the sky. Maintain tension in your oblique the entire time. Bring it back down before performing another rep. Perform 3 to 4 sets of 10 reps.

The post Get Rid of the Middle-aged Spread With 5 Exercises, Trainer Says appeared first on Eat This Not That.


By: Tim Liu, C.S.C.S.
Title: Get Rid of the Middle-aged Spread With 5 Exercises, Trainer Says
Sourced From: www.eatthis.com/get-rid-of-the-middle-aged-spread-exercises/
Published Date: Sat, 22 Oct 2022 11:00:03 +0000

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