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Avoid These 10 Common Yoga Mistakes for a Safer Practice

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Yoga is a practice that welcomes all, yet achieving the correct form is essential for a safe and beneficial session. Understanding and correcting common mistakes can enhance your practice, ensuring you gain the most while minimizing the risk of injury.

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Understanding the Importance of Alignment

Proper alignment in yoga is crucial, as emphasized by yoga experts. It's not just about the aesthetics of the pose but ensuring the body is strengthened without risk of injury. Classic yoga poses are designed with safety in mind, offering protection to ligaments, tendons, and cartilage.

Patience is Key

Feeling frustrated with your yoga progress is normal, but patience is essential. Rushing into poses without proper form can lead to injuries. Remember, yoga is a journey similar to learning to walk—it takes time, practice, and patience.

1. Avoid Cupping Your Hands

Cupping your hands off the floor can lead to wrist injuries. The solution is simple: keep your hands flat, spreading your fingers and pressing evenly to distribute your weight properly.

2. Correct Your Chaturanga Depth

Dipping too low in Chaturanga can strain your shoulders. Ensure you only lower halfway down, keeping your elbows at 90-degree angles to avoid injury.

3. Protect Your Knee in Pigeon Pose

Forcing your shin parallel to the front of the mat in Pigeon Pose can strain your knee. Instead, adjust the position of your front leg to avoid pain while still achieving a great stretch.

4. Maintain a Straight Spine in Forward Folds

Rounding your spine as you fold forward puts unnecessary pressure on your lower back. Bend your knees if needed to maintain a straight spine and protect your back.

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5. Align Your Knee and Ankle

In standing poses, ensure your knee is directly over your ankle to distribute pressure evenly across the joint, preventing potential injury.

6. Keep Your Shoulders Relaxed

Avoid scrunching your shoulders up around your ears, which can lead to tension and discomfort. Focus on keeping your shoulders relaxed and away from your ears to maintain a comfortable and effective pose.

Yoga is a practice that offers numerous benefits, both physically and mentally, when performed correctly. By being mindful of these common mistakes and focusing on proper form and alignment, you can enhance your practice, reduce the risk of injury, and enjoy the full benefits of yoga. Remember, yoga is not about perfection but about progress and listening to your body.

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Image Credit: Stacy Robinson / AuthorsUSA.com

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