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8 Innovative Ways to Spice Up Your Running Routine

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Running is an accessible and highly beneficial exercise, but let's face it, it can sometimes feel like a drag. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned marathoner, hitting a wall of boredom is common. But fear not, we've got some expert tips to help you rejuvenate your love for hitting the pavement or the treadmill.

Article Highlights

Break Free from the Treadmill

First off, ditch the monotony of the treadmill and take your run outdoors. According to Jack McNamara, MSc, CSCS, an experienced running coach, the natural terrain offers variety that can keep your mind engaged and your body challenged.

Running is Better with Friends

Ever considered a running buddy? McNamara notes that running with a partner not only makes the miles fly by but can also boost your performance, especially if they're slightly faster than you.

Join a Running Class or Club

If your running buddy is unavailable, a running class or club can offer camaraderie and structured training to keep your motivation high. Programs like BODi's 30-Day Breakaway combine resistance training with running drills to prepare you for race day.

Coaching for Success

Enlisting a coach can transform your running routine with personalized workouts and accountability. A coach will push you out of your comfort zone, improving both your mental and physical stamina.

Embrace the Fun of Fartlek Training

Fartlek, a Swedish term meaning "speed play," involves varying your pace throughout your run. This method adds an element of surprise and challenge, helping you break through plateaus in speed and endurance.

Change Your Perspective

Simply reversing your usual route can refresh your running routine. This small change can make a familiar path feel like a new adventure, keeping your runs interesting.

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Entertain Yourself

Stuck on the treadmill? McNamara suggests timing your treadmill sessions with your favorite TV show. Getting lost in a good plot beats staring at the clock any day.

Focus on Distance Over Time

Lastly, setting a distance goal rather than a time goal gives you the freedom to adjust your intensity. This approach can make your runs feel more like a personal challenge than a timed chore.

Incorporating these strategies into your running routine can reignite your passion for the sport and make every run an opportunity for discovery and improvement. Remember, variety is not just the spice of life; it's also the key to a fulfilling running experience.

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Image Credit: Francis Grant / AuthorsUSA.com

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