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Why Removing My Breast Implants Was My Best Decision Ever

courtesy of popsugar.com
Article Highlights

A Dream Deferred

Like many, my journey with breast implants began at a young age, fueled by a desire to fit a certain physical ideal. After years of feeling incomplete, I finally took the plunge at 25, thinking it would boost my confidence and happiness. Little did I know, this decision would lead me down a path of discomfort, health scares, and ultimately, regret.

The High Cost of Beauty

Financing my breast augmentation was no small feat. Utilizing a combination of a student loan and CareCredit, the procedure set me back around $6,000—a steep price for what I hoped would be a major life improvement. Opting for "gummy bear" cohesive silicone implants, I believed I had chosen the best option available, one that promised a more natural feel and appearance.

Support with Strings Attached

My decision was met with mixed reactions from my family. While my then-boyfriend and mother were supportive, my father expressed concerns about the risks involved. Despite these warnings, I proceeded, convinced that the outcome would justify the means.

Reality Falls Short of Expectations

Post-surgery, the reality of living with implants quickly set in. Despite choosing a modest increase in size, I found the implants uncomfortable and obstructive, particularly in my active lifestyle. They never felt like a part of me but rather an awkward addition that failed to bring the promised boost in self-esteem.

The Turning Point

Five years post-op, my health began to deteriorate. Unexplained symptoms led to the diagnosis of autoimmune conditions, with no apparent cause. It wasn't until an implant malfunction during a workout that I began to suspect my implants might be the culprits behind my declining health.

Uncovering the Truth

Research and discussions with others suffering similar symptoms opened my eyes to breast implant illness, a condition I was previously unaware of. This revelation led me to the difficult decision to remove my implants, a choice that was not only more painful and costly than the initial surgery but also life-saving.

Recovery and Revelation

The explant surgery was challenging, with a tough recovery process that tested my resolve. Yet, the immediate improvement in my health post-removal confirmed I had made the right decision. My autoimmune symptoms vanished, and I finally felt like myself again, both physically and mentally.

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A Lesson Learned

Looking back, I realize that my health is far more valuable than fitting a certain aesthetic ideal. The journey taught me the importance of self-acceptance and the dangers of altering our bodies without fully understanding the potential consequences.

Now, as I share my story, I hope to inform others about the risks associated with breast implants, advocating for awareness and self-love over societal pressures. My experience is a testament to the adage that sometimes, the best beauty enhancements come from within.

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Image Credit: Adeline Green / AuthorsUSA.com

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