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The Hidden Impact of Labeling Beauty Products as "Essentials"

courtesy of popsugar.com
Article Essentials

The Rise of "Underconsumption-core" on Social Media

A new trend is sweeping across TikTok, known as "underconsumption-core," where influencers are showcasing their efforts to cut back on spending, especially in the realms of fashion and beauty. Initiatives like "project pans" are gaining traction, encouraging the use of a select number of beauty products until they're completely finished. This movement is sparking a conversation about the necessity of beauty products and the satisfaction derived from owning them.

The Lure of Beauty Haul Culture

For those who grew up during the peak of YouTube beauty hauls, the accumulation of vast collections of makeup has become almost second nature. Yet, this begs the question: when does the desire for more turn into overconsumption or even hoarding? The beauty industry's portrayal of these products as indispensable is now under scrutiny.

Understanding the Psychology Behind Beauty Product Accumulation

Experts like Carolyn Mair, a chartered psychologist, shed light on why the beauty industry is a breeding ground for shopping addictions. The emotional satisfaction and the allure of luxury and self-care associated with beauty products play into the hands of marketing strategies designed to create desire and urgency.

The Appeal of Luxury Beauty Items

Luxury beauty products offer an accessible slice of opulence, often leading to repeated purchases for the emotional boost they provide. These products not only serve a functional purpose but also act as symbols of wealth and status, further fueled by celebrity endorsements and exclusive branding.

Distinguishing Between Collecting and Hoarding

There is a fine line between having an extensive makeup collection and hoarding beauty products. The key difference lies in the impact on one's life; collecting is driven by an appreciation for the items, whereas hoarding stems from anxiety and can have negative consequences on living conditions and mental health.

Addressing Shopping Addictions

If you find yourself struggling to control your beauty product purchases, you're not alone. An estimated 5% of the global adult population identifies as compulsive buyers. Recognizing the problem and seeking help is the first step towards healthier consumption habits. Strategies like tracking spending and setting budgets can aid in managing a shopping addiction.

The Bottom Line: Mindful Consumption is Key

While the desire to look one's best is natural, it's crucial to be mindful of the beauty products we purchase and their actual use. Accumulating too many products can lead to waste and exacerbate the problem of overconsumption. As the conversation around beauty product necessity continues, it's important to reflect on our buying habits and the impact they have on our lives and the environment.

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Image Credit: Paula Blair / AuthorsUSA.com

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