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Is Facial Fat Grafting the Solution for "Ozempic Face"?

courtesy of popsugar.com
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The Rise of "Ozempic Face"

With the increasing popularity of Ozempic and similar semaglutides for weight loss, users are facing a variety of side effects, including the phenomenon known as "Ozempic face." This condition, characterized by a loss of facial fat leading to a more gaunt appearance, is prompting individuals to seek solutions to restore their once youthful facial volume.

Facial Fat Grafting to the Rescue

Facial fat grafting is emerging as a preferred method to counteract the effects of "Ozempic face." According to plastic surgeon Deniz Sarhaddi, MD, this procedure not only replenishes lost facial volume but may also be complemented by tissue tightening through face or neck lifts for comprehensive rejuvenation. Dermatologists and plastic surgeons are now explaining the process, costs, and considerations involved in facial fat grafting.

Understanding Facial Fat Grafting

Facial fat grafting involves harvesting fat from one's body—typically the abdomen or upper thigh—and injecting it into the face. This minimally invasive procedure, likened to dermal filler injections but with natural fat, aims to restore facial volume with relatively manageable downtime. Most patients can resume their daily activities within a few days, despite potential swelling and bruising.

The Longevity of Results

The effects of facial fat grafting become fully apparent three months after the procedure and are considered permanent. The transferred fat cells integrate with the body's tissues and behave like any other fat cells, fluctuating with weight changes. Although reversal through micro-liposuction is possible, it's generally discouraged to avoid complications.

Cost Considerations

Facial fat grafting is an out-of-pocket expense, with costs ranging from $5,000 to $15,000 depending on the extent of the procedure and geographic location. Prospective patients are advised to prepare by avoiding blood-thinning medications and supplements and may consider a lymphatic massage to reduce swelling.

Choosing the Right Doctor

Finding an experienced surgeon who specializes in facial procedures is crucial for achieving the best outcome. Consultations are essential for understanding the surgeon's approach and ensuring your goals align with their expertise. With thorough research and clear communication, patients can enhance their chances of a successful facial fat grafting experience.

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Image Credit: Anita Catlett / AuthorsUSA.com