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Embracing the Curl: A Journey to Self-Love and Heritage

courtesy of popsugar.com
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The Struggle with Curly Hair

For too long, the battle against curly, unruly hair has been a constant in my life. The endless pursuit of a "polished" straight hairstyle for work and social events has not only been a drain on my finances but also detrimental to the health of my hair. This summer, I've decided to confront this internalized bias head-on and celebrate my natural Dominican curls.

A Cultural Legacy of Hair Straightening

My upbringing in a Dominican family in New York City exposed me to a culture where straight hair was synonymous with beauty. Terms like "pelo malo" (bad hair) were commonly used to describe curly or Afro-textured hair, while "pelo bueno" (good hair) was reserved for those with looser textures. Despite the challenging weather conditions, from the humid summers of NYC to the tropical climate of the Dominican Republic, my family went to great lengths to maintain their straightened hairstyles.

Breaking Free from the Mold

While my relatives spent hours under hair dryers or meticulously wrapping their hair, I found freedom in letting my curls flow freely, especially during the summer months. My hair dried naturally, allowing me to enjoy outdoor activities without the burden of maintaining a straight hairstyle. This contrast highlighted the unnecessary constraints we place on ourselves in the name of beauty standards.

Confronting Hair Discrimination

The pressure to conform to societal norms followed me into adulthood, where I felt compelled to straighten my hair for job interviews, fearing that my natural curls would be deemed unprofessional. The pervasive issue of hair discrimination in the workplace, which has prompted legislative action like the CROWN Act, underscores the need for a broader acceptance of natural hair textures.

A Pandemic-Induced Revelation

The 2020 lockdowns served as a turning point, offering me the opportunity to explore and embrace my natural hair texture without the influence of societal expectations. Witnessing my family members, including my mom and aunts, abandon hair relaxers and showcase their natural curls for the first time in years was a powerful moment of collective self-acceptance.

Reclaiming My Curls with Pride

This summer, I'm committed to nurturing my curls and exploring new hairstyles that celebrate my heritage. From selecting the right products to consulting with curly-hair specialists for the perfect cut, I'm ready to rediscover the beauty in my natural hair texture. My grandmother's homemade hair treatments have already set me on this path, reminding me of the deep connection between our hair and our cultural identity.

It's time to let go of the blow dryers and straighteners and welcome the summer sun with open arms and curly hair. This journey is not just about embracing my natural beauty; it's about reconnecting with my roots and challenging the narrow definitions of beauty that have held us back for too long.

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Image Credit: Lisa Franklin / AuthorsUSA.com

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