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Discover the Benefits of Oilplaning for Sensitive Skin

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The Answer to Your Skin's Prayers

Are you someone with sensitive skin who loves exfoliating but can't tolerate regular dermaplaning? Look no further - oilplaning might be the solution you've been searching for. Oilplaning is a form of physical exfoliation that offers the same benefits as dermaplaning, but with the added use of oil. This innovative solution is perfect for those with dry or sensitive skin who struggle with traditional dermaplaning methods.

What is Oilplaning?

Dermaplaning is a popular exfoliation technique that involves gently shaving off dead cells and peach fuzz from the skin's surface. This process not only makes makeup application seamless but also helps skin-care products absorb better. However, for individuals with sensitive skin, dermaplaning can be a challenge to incorporate into their routine. That's where oilplaning comes in.

The Benefits of Oilplaning

Oilplaning follows the same process as dermaplaning, but with the addition of oil. Esthetician Ashley White explains that the use of oil during the process can act as a protective barrier, preventing transepidermal water loss and providing extra hydration. This makes oilplaning a great option for those with dry or acne-prone skin.

How to Oilplane

Oilplaning is a simple process that can easily be incorporated into your skincare routine. Start by applying a dime-size amount of facial oil onto your hands and pat it onto your face. Then, using a clean razor specifically designed for dermaplaning, gently shave your forehead in a downward motion, moving from your hairline to your eyebrows. Wipe off the razor on a paper towel to remove dead skin and peach fuzz. Repeat the process on the rest of your face, including the jaw and neck area. Afterward, double cleanse to remove any remaining oil, and follow with your regular skincare routine.

The Results

Since switching to oilplaning, many individuals have experienced transformative results. Makeup goes on smoother, skincare products absorb better, and dry patches are minimized. Additionally, oilplaning can help reduce flakiness and prevent breakouts. Incorporating oilplaning into your routine once a month can make a significant difference in the overall appearance and health of your skin.

Unlock the benefits of oilplaning today and say goodbye to the challenges of traditional dermaplaning. Your skin will thank you.

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